Company history
Run by the family for more than 120 years
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Uwe Krefeldt joins the company as managing director of RARI Food International.
Relaunch of the company’s own brand LASCHORI with a modern, contemporary corporate identity.
RARI is back – reload and change of name back to Rari Food International GmbH.
Thorsten Rachow’s family buys back the entire shares in Vestey Foods Germany GmbH.
Thorsten Rachow’s son, Kevin Rachow (born 1 May 1991), begins vocational training as wholesale and import/export trader. He is now responsible for poultry imports at RARI.
Minority shareholder Thorsten Rachow comes back to the company as managing partner.
Company name changed from RARI Food International GmbH to Vestey Foods Germany GmbH; Thorsten Rachow resigns as managing director.
Thorsten Rachow sells off major shares in the company to the London-based company Angliss International Ltd (later Vestey Foods Group GmbH).
The Laschori brand is expanded to cover the company’s entire product groups
Foundation of RARI Fleischimport, Export-Grosshandels GmbH. Over the following 15 years, establishment and expansion of an extensive range of frozen fish, seafood, game and poultry, which is imported from all over the world and sold to regional food wholesalers in Germany and Austria and later to neighbouring EU partner countries.
Rollout of company’s own brand Laschori, imported lamb ham from New Zealand marketed under the company’s own brand Laschori
Thorsten Rachow (born 28 April 1961) joins the company, which is reorganised as a global import company for top quality meat cuts from all over the world.
Takeover of “Hugo Schewe Innereiengroßhandel”, a wholesale company at Hamburg slaughterhouse specialising in offal, by the founder’s grandson Karlheinz Max Rachow and Alfons Rischer. Company name changed to “Rachow & Rischer Innereiengroßhandel”.
Relocation to Hamburg and foundation of a butcher’s business, including wholesale marketing by the founder’s son Carl-Max Rachow and his wife Emmi Rachow, née Schmidt, in the Hamburg district of Eidelstedt.
A mobile home butchery is founded by Carl Rachow near Bad Doberan, Mecklenburg.